
Freedom Ministries International
Board of Directors
Randy Foreman
Darla Foreman
Randy Booth
Dan Grunseth
Chris Kingsley
Thiago Pinto
Rusty Rea
Ryan Hemker; secretary
Randy Foreman
Randy spent over 12 years serving in ministry as a youth pastor and senior pastor in denominational settings until the Lord called him to step out and found Freedom Ministries in 1993. He currently pastors Hope Church in Indiana and The Jordan in Michigan as well as overseeing and traveling nationally and internationally for teaching, ministry, spiritual warfare and prophetic intercession, and coming alongside local congregations to strengthen and equip the Body of Messiah. Randy and Darla also serve through an extensive counseling and deliverance ministry.
Darla Foreman
Darla currently serves with her husband in pastoring Hope Church and The Jordan where she leads and oversees the worship and discipleship ministries. Darla has a passion to restore the Hebraic roots of the faith as the foundation for Christian discipleship. She authored The Journey, the FMI primary discipleship program, based upon the patterns of the Hebrew Exodus and the Feasts of the Lord. She also ministers alongside her husband, ministering in the prophetic, evangelism, preaching and teaching both nationally and internationally.